Jeanna Hawkins
As we celebrate National Mentoring Month, we connected with Jeanna Hawkins, senior program consultant at NTC, to recommend research-based resources related to implementing mentoring and coaching in public schools.
We know that mentoring and coaching position teachers to feel wholly supported, enable the development of optimal learning environments for student success and perpetuate a system of growth that symbiotically enhances the education ecosystem for all. Thanks to Jeanna for sharing her wisdom and insights.
Edutopia-Supporting New Teachers Through Holistic Mentorship
Often, mentors and mentees spend a lot of time together to work on personal and professional development, improve classroom practice, and attend to necessary integration within the school. This article highlights and supports the need for mentors to facilitate a holistic experience with their mentees grounded in the key practices of adult learning.
New Teacher Center- High-Quality Mentoring & Instructional Coaching
NTC highlights the needed shifts in educator leaders’ approach to mentoring and support to create and/or boost their programs to enhance teacher practice, increase retention, and improve student outcomes.
To Make a Difference for Every Student, Give Every New Teacher a Mentor
For many new teachers, working with their mentor is their first form of professional development. This resource from Sharron Helmke stresses the importance of building habits of mind for new teachers to support and improve their practice and instruction. It also highlights critical elements for success when building a mentoring program.
Why New Teacher Mentoring Falls Short, and How to Fix It
The quality of mentor programs is incredibly varied by district, city, and even state. Many of these programs focus on “buddy mentoring” or the “buddy system”, an ineffective and informal model. What makes for effective mentoring? This report focuses on high-quality mentoring in Texas and Louisiana and how they have intentionally elevated mentoring in recent years.
The Poetic Humanity of Teacher Education: Holistic Mentoring for Beginning Teachers
Mentorship is a deeply relational experience that not only supports the professional growth of those mentored but also their social and emotional well-being, which extends beyond the classroom. This study explores the holistic approaches mentors use to attend to the welfare of new teachers as they transition into the classroom.