We can’t keep relying on lagging data. NTC focuses on forward-looking insights to assess the enabling conditions for student and teacher success. This lets us design impactful programs — giving schools and districts the tools they need to address today’s challenges and achieve results that matter.
NTC partners with urban and rural systems and schools, state departments of education, local education agencies, and charter schools across 30 states.
From small towns to big cities nationwide
From new to the profession to veterans of their craft
Supporting motivated and engaged learners
* SEED Teacher Effectiveness Analyses Grant Evaluation, 2013
NTC’s coaching approach focuses on the environment and key attributes that tell us how to not just retain teachers but help them improve practice and become educator leaders.
NTC-served teachers agree that their school is a good place to work and learn overall
NTC-served teachers plan to stay in the classroom
Teachers rate (out of 10) the quality of their NTC-based mentoring or coaching support
Agree or strongly agree they feel more prepared to support a student-centered learning environment as a result of NTC session
Teachers say NTC-trained coaches had a fair amount or a great deal of positive influence on their teaching practice
Teachers agree or strongly agree they have made permanent and substantive changes to their practice due to NTC’s support
Data from NTC’s 2023-2024 Program Quality Survey and Post-Session Survey
Coaching to lift up teacher working conditions enables learning environments where students connect, engage, and grow
On average, classrooms supported by NTC increased in ratings of unprompted student engagement with relevant questions and discussion, persistence, and curiosity for learning1

Teachers with NTC support boosted student learning from 2-4 months more learning in ELA and 2-5 months in math2

On average, classrooms supported by NTC increased in ratings of student self-direction to clarify and extend their own learning and the learning of their peers1

1 Data from NTC classroom observations of teachers served in 2023-2024
2 Schmidt, R. A., Young, V., Cassidy, L.., Wang, H., & Laguarda, K. (2017)
SRI’s third-party evaluation of NTC’s induction model shares positive impacts on student achievement, teacher practice measures and teacher retention.

We see a new sense of hope and excitement around our work and empowerment at every level. The best way to support teachers is to have credible peers supporting them.