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Measuring What Matters First


Measuring What Matters First

When we are trying to assess the impact of our work, we need to ask the right question. Are we helping to create learning settings in which students can engage at their highest cognitive and creative potential? Our measurement tools and how we define success along the way need to help us understand if we are doing that and, if not, how we can do better.

Mentoring for a changing teacher workforce


Mentoring for a changing teacher workforce

Meeting the needs of today’s new teacher workforce to help keep them in the classroom calls for comprehensive induction support and the kind of responsive and personalized, instructionally focused mentoring that NTC is known for. Learn how our partners in Fresno USD are using our mentoring model to provide tailored coaching support for new teachers with provisional licenses.

Building Assessment Literacy (and Leadership) the Hawai’i Way


Building Assessment Literacy (and Leadership) the Hawai’i Way

Our partners in Hawai’i are always looking for “grassroots” ways to co-create, test new ideas, and build local capacity. The Educator Leader Assessment Collaborative, a pilot project to lay the foundation for a locally relevant, balanced assessment program across Hawai’i’s diverse school system, is no exception.

Empowering Women in Education: Addressing Leadership Disparities and the Role of Mentorship


Empowering Women in Education: Addressing Leadership Disparities and the Role of Mentorship

In education, women's leadership isn't just important—it's crucial for building inclusive school environments and driving student success. Chief Operating Officer and former 6th-grade teacher Sabrina Plassman, and Vice President of Finance and Business Operations Cheryl Leong who previously worked in California schools overseeing finance, budget, and compliance, advocate for systemic changes to empower female education leaders. They share insights and perspectives highlighting the urgency of fostering strong female leadership to drive positive change in schools nationwide.

Helping teachers thrive


Helping teachers thrive

If we want teachers to be able to deliver what we want for our learners, we must fundamentally rethink how the role is designed. We have to be much more thoughtful about the structures we put in place to help them develop as professionals and teacher leaders. And we have to create a culture in schools that supports them to do their best work. We’re proud to contribute to the Coalition to Reimagine the Teaching Role to ensure teachers are set up to succeed and thrive.

A Conversation with Elephant in the (Class)room Learning Experience Participants

A Conversation With..., Blog

A Conversation with Elephant in the (Class)room Learning Experience Participants

We followed up with two participants of The Elephant in the (Class)room Professional Learning Experience, Janelle and Anna, who were especially vocal about the challenges and opportunities the learning experience evoked for them. We explored how the experience supported educators to co-create the conditions so every teacher and student can grow, thrive, and shape their futures.

Minnesota invests in its teacher workforce


Minnesota invests in its teacher workforce

Across the state, champions for beginning teachers are leading thoughtful initiatives that communicate to aspiring and novice educators — “we are going to invest in you and your students’ future success.” Seeing years of hard work to co-develop fledging programs grow into mature, responsive, and flexible coaching models is rewarding. We are also honored to be collaboratively learning with state leaders designing policy and programs that reflect what we know works in induction and elevates a clear commitment to teacher diversity and culturally responsive teaching.