Mentors are a critical lever for teacher success and retention. Rachel Baker, a mentor teacher specialist in Calvert County Public Schools in Maryland, shared her journey with New Teacher Center, emph…

As State Educational Agencies (SEAs) weigh the advantages and disadvantages of embracing this emergent assessment system, it is important to consider the impact such a decision would have on Local Edu…

We’ve been working with partners to define the unique landscape for change at their sites as a starting place for designing impact strategies — What is the current state of instruction? How would …

Principals play a critical role in induction by setting the stage for beginning teacher and mentor success, and because new teachers ore often placed in classrooms teaching students who most need opti…

When we are trying to assess the impact of our work, we need to ask the right question. Are we helping to create learning settings in which students can engage at their highest cognitive and creative …

M-DCPS initiated a suite of grow your own educator pathways several years ago to increase teacher retention and address staffing shortages.

There are many reasons we love Impact Florida’s Solving with Students Cadre. As a pilot partner, we are learning so much through this innovative professional learning model based on student feedback…

Facilitative coaching stems are structured prompts that guide conversations between coaches and educators, encouraging reflection, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Building on over 20 years of experience, NTC’s SEED grant study uncovers how effective instructional coaching transforms teacher practice and supports student success.

This guide outlines essential practices for building impactful mentor and coach programs that enhance teacher effectiveness and student achievement.

Effective, standards-aligned teaching and learning are only possible when an Optimal Learning Environment is in place. Educators prioritize knowing their students, have deep understanding of the conte…

As the lead mentor for new teacher induction in Miami-Dade Public Schools, Cheryl Pickney has seen relationships that run the gamut - from best friends to friction that feels like it hangs in the air.…