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Phases of First-Year Teaching

Guide, Report

Phases of First-Year Teaching

While not every new teacher goes through this exact sequence, these phases of first-year teaching are very useful in helping everyone involved — administrators, other support personnel, and teacher education faculty — in the process of supporting new teachers.

Evidence-Based Coaching: Key Drivers of Scalable Improvement District-Wide


Evidence-Based Coaching: Key Drivers of Scalable Improvement District-Wide

This report presents a summary of findings thus far, including: 1) a brief description of the case for coaching as a driver of instructional improvement and outline of the NTC Program Theory of Action, 2) example data from case study sites that illustrate typical coaching contexts, 3) examples of implementation and course correction strategies with recommendations detailing leadership practices that have resulted in improved implementation in the case study sites, and 4) preliminary data that indicate resulting change in teacher instructional practice at the case study sites with potential impact on student learning anticipated in the longer term.