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Search “Oral Language Development” yielded 6 results

Mentoring for a changing teacher workforce

Meeting the needs of today’s new teacher workforce to help keep them in the classroom calls for comprehensive induction support and the kind of responsive and personalized, instructionally focused mentoring that NTC is known for. Learn how our partners in Fresno USD are using our mentoring model to provide tailored coaching support for new teachers with provisional licenses.

A Conversation with: Monica Brady and Damen Davis

In this A Conversation With, we spoke with Principal Monica Brady and Assistant Principal Damen Davis from CIS 303: The Leadership and Community Service Academy.

Celebrating Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month

In recognition of Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month, Magaly Lavadenz and Feliza Ortiz-Licon share their stories as bilingual learners and advocate for a redesign of policy and practice in support of this diverse and growing student population.

Viewpoints: October 2022

Each month, we connect with change-makers, thought leaders, practitioners, and artists to get their takes on three key questions. We’re excited to connect with: Kari Nelsestuen, Genavieve Koenigshofer, and Dana Mitra.

NTC’s Equity Commission: Introduction