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Our Impact

Teaching Improves With NTC Support

Teaching Improves With NTC Support

Stronger Instruction. Better Outcomes.

To train great teachers, learn from students.

Change starts with listening:

  • How students show up in school and engage in the classroom teaches us what they need.
  • Meeting the needs of teachers empowers them to give high-quality, student-centered instruction.
  • Responding to the unique challenges of each district and school aligns their culture and strengthens leadership.

With NTC programs, everyone feels supported, and everyone thrives.

NTC Support = More Impact

Teachers in NTC programs connect with their students and use whole picture data to improve instruction far more often.

NTC Enables More Instructionally-Focused Support

Nearly 7x

more observation and feedback


NTC-supported teachers are


more likely

to discuss student assessment data to make decisions about instruction

Teachers with traditional support


Teachers with NTC support



NTC-supported teachers are


more likely

to develop professional growth plans with students

Teachers with traditional support


Teachers with NTC support

Quality of Instruction

NTC Brings More Student-Centered Support


of teachers

talk about the strengths and needs of specific students

Teachers with traditional support


Teachers with NTC support

NTC-supported teachers are


more likely

to discuss student assessment data to make decisions about instruction
NTC-supported teachers analyze student work

4x more often

Teachers with traditional support


Teachers with NTC support


Key Takeaways for Quality of Instruction

Know the kids

Know the kids

When teachers engage deeply with students, they learn what serves them.

Build your team

Build your team

We expand capacity by elevating teachers to guide each other to excellence.

Keep on innovating

Keep on innovating

What teachers learn from students today – through data, assessments, and strong relationships – impacts how they teach tomorrow.

One Teacher’s Story…

“I wanted to help other educators have that same confidence…” – Brittney Rodriguez, Transitional Kindergarten Teacher

“NTC’s programs support improvements in our system in teacher quality, which is the most important determining factor in any child’s academic success.”

Debra Pace, Ed.D.
The School District of Osceola County

“To really change what’s happening for our students, you have to be more intentional about every aspect of what you’re doing and your goal. When you keep coming back to the standards, it changes how you look at student progress. What does meeting standards actually look like? That alone has been a game changer.”

Cheryl Pickney
Lead Mentor, New Teacher Induction Program
Miami-Dade County Public Schools

“When teachers trust the curriculum, and trust the students to be able to work with it, you can see it in the classroom. The kids are all talking to each other now. It’s not business as usual. They know: We are all math people.”

Rob Leichner
Secondary Math Specialist
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

“Now, our teachers are feeling confident in themselves. They know they can give information to students in ways they can access. And the benefit is that the students are learning and enjoying it.”

Michelle Johnson
Master Teacher Leader, Middle Grades Math
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

Explore More About NTC
Student Learning
Student Learning

We give teachers the skills and support to accelerate student learning.

Teacher Retention
Teacher Retention

Show up with great teacher support, and great teachers stick around.

Learn Why
Case Studies
Case Studies

When we empower educators, students learn more. Here's proof.