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Co-design systems to sustain equity

Truly equitable practice means reaching toward a level of understanding and sharing of power that is rarely observed. It requires a shift in focus: away from how things have always been done, and toward outcomes that truly serve everyone in your ecosystem. Equity also requires connection to the communities in which schools are situated, and the inclusion of students and families in the design process. When we ensure that everyone who experiences systems is involved in co-designing them, everyone gets what they need to thrive. And that’s true equity.

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Profiles in Practice

Milwaukee Public Schools

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Profiles in Practice

NACA Inspired Schools Network

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Create the time and space for building an equity practice.

Student– and equity-centered teaching and learning is a process, not a product. It can be messy, uncomfortable, difficult, and inconclusive. And it is only possible with deep, sustained introspection. To build new habits of mind, we must create places and spaces for continuous collaboration and reflection. And we must create time, as well. Let the work of equity dictate the schedule, not the other way around.

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Identify ways and places to sustain and grow change.

Another adaptive implication of this design anchor involves approaching your system with the same asset orientation you are using in your approach to your learners. As you begin to engage in building an equity practice, you may uncover current practices and bright spots that you want to expand and elevate. You will want to learn from those who have been implementing and learn from the mindsets and concrete actions being taken. In some cases, there may be additional work to sustain the work as a lab site for later expansion; in others, the work will be well situated for expansion.