Privilege process over product.
While it’s not quite a mantra, we firmly believe that dialogue, planning, problem solving and engagement leads to lasting transformation. NTC doesn’t promote a flagship tool or sellable “thing” — systemic inequities can’t be fixed with an off-the-shelf approach. Instead, everything we do is powered by relationships and coaching.
Every district is different. We believe they deserve to be treated that way. Our deep, multi-layered partnerships across the country focus on meeting unique community needs. We tailor our teams, our strategies, and our on-the-ground work to prioritize local conditions. We lead with listening. Educators, just like students, are whole human beings — they’re not data points. It’s on us as supporters to show up humble, curious, and open-minded.
Our overall reach and scale gives NTC thousands of perspectives across many contrasting situations. It’s ground-truthed data. We’re able to take learnings and enable new custom-fit solutions based on proven models for change. Over time, we’ve developed an inclusive, participatory approach to understand what our partners need and collaborate with them to design support for real people.
Each NTC partnership looks to disrupt old professional development in favor of humanized learning experiences for adults. We believe that is the only way to truly bring transformational, sustainable change to districts and students.
Nationwide, our work is evolving. In some places, we’re going deeper, taking our proven coaching model to tackle new challenges: curriculum implementation, school- and district-wide professional learning systems development, and co-crafting instructional cultures that are inherently and holistically designed to center students. In others, we’re tackling pre-K and early learning to ensure the bridge to lifelong learning starts strong. Everything we do is in service to nurturing educators’ crafts to be amplifiers for equity.
Our partnerships run the gamut: some decades-long and others brand-new. In every instance, we’re evaluating conditions and priorities through a local lens. NTC’s incredible supporting funders form mini-coalitions across regions, bringing more than a commitment to backyard investment. Changemaking innovation comes from collaboration — local and regional funders come together with districts, state departments of education, and other community partners to define clear priorities and goals reflective of their resident expertise.
Here are a few spotlights of NTC’s approach to building local partnerships: